Rodinova mediatcija u Splitu_Eng

Muzej Ivana Mestrovica


Authors of the project
Catherine Chevillot, Andro Krstulović Opara

Curator, exhibition concept
Andro Krstulović Opara

Andro Krstulović Opara
Andro Krstulović Opara, Barbara Vujanović, Olja Jelaska
Organization of the exhibition project
Sandra Grčić Budimir, Vesna Bulić, Andro Krstulović Opara
Spatial concept and display design
Lea Aviani


Rodin’s  Meditation in Splitu

May 9 – September 20, 2015

The Meštrović Gallery, Split

One of the most influential Rodin’s works – Meditation will be exhibited at the Meštrović Gallery in Split. The piece inspired Ivan Meštrović to create the marble Psyche in 1927, the central exhibit of his Gallery in Split.

The two pieces, as well as a wealth of significant insights of the curatorial team that will point to the deep friendship between Rodin and Meštrović will be presented to the public. After the successful Meštrović exhibition at Musée Rodin in 2012, the lost letter from Rodin to Meštrović (which was purchased by the Ivan Meštrović Museums) in which he grants Meštrović’s request to give him a plaster cast of Meditation came to light.

Because of the war and the death of Auguste Rodin the handing over of this important gift to Meštrović was not realized. A hundred years later, the piece in bronze is in Meštrović’s home. The aforementioned letter is displayed, and multimedia presentations and music rounded off this very important project.


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